

All Courses

Power to Arrest (Guard Card)

Phase 1-3 – $350
8 Hour Course (1 Day) Call to make an appointment Includes State Forms, Test, Certificate of Completion, and live scan fee. Includes state fee and processing fees, processing from start to finish, continue at live scan fee.

Includes lectures, class materials and Certificate of Completion. This phase must be completed within the first 6 months of employment in the Security field per BSIS regulations. Therefore, you need to call us as soon as your Guard Card number is issued to schedule your phase 2 & 3

Exposed Firearm Permit COMPLETE classes

*Student must provide Valid State Photo ID/Drivers license, State approved “Proof of US Citizenship/Legal Resident Status”. (i.e. Us birth cert., US Passport, US Military ID Card, DD-214), Student must have or be in the process obtaining a CA Guard Card.*

This class does NOT include State fee, gun rental, or ammunition cost, students will also be required to undergo a STATE REQUIRED ASSESMENT before they will be allowed to get approval for the permit.
Students may bring their own unloaded/secured firearms to class if they wish to qualify with them. students may bring their own ammunition (must be approved by range master).
Please bring to class:
You must qualify at the range within 30 days after taking the written examination.

Does NOT include ammunition or $80 State Processing Fee for the Firearm Permits *Re-qualifications must be done every 4 – 6 months per B.S.I.S. regulations. $40.00 for one caliber & $30.00 for each additional calibers.

Ammo cost approx. 9mm $21.00. 40cal $26.00. 38cal $28.00. 357cal $33.00. 45cal $37.00 per box of 50 rounds


Requalification is for one caliber only, additional calibers are $40.00 each.

Student is responsible for processing his/hers own permit renewal.

Baton Permit


8 Hour Course (1 Day) Includes lecture, written and practical use test. The lifetime permit is good for straight, side handle, fixed and collapsible batons. BATON NOTICE PER BSIS REGULATIONS

Proprietary Security Officer (PSO) Training breaks down as follows:

Initial PSO 8 Hours Course (1 Day)
Call to make an appointment.
MUST specify PSO Training. Bring a valid State Photo ID/Drivers License.
Includes State Forms, Test, Certificate of Completion, Live Scan, and does NOT cover State Fees.
Security Company San DIego Riverside

Secondary PSO 8 Hour Course (1 Day)

Call to make an appointment.
Must specify PSO Training. Includes Certificate of Completion.

Annual 2 Hour PSO Refresher Course (1 Day)

Call to make an appointment.
Includes Certificate of Completion.

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